Early in February a planned Wetlands Day excursion by Knysna Municipality YCOP for Thembelitsha Primary School to Steenbok Nature Reserve, to raise awareness of the value and benefits of wetlands was unfortunately called off due to an administrative problem.
Instead, Steenbok working in collaboration with DEFF officials (Noluthando and Londeka) and Knysna Municipality came to the school. Diana Stromberg made a presentation to the pupils about the wetlands and saltmarshes situated in the Reserve. The grade 6 and 7 pupils learned about interesting flora and fauna found in the salt marsh at Kingfisher Creek, and were encouraged to become ambassadors for a cleaner environment. DEFF Officials played two videos on the importance of conserving our environment and the impact caused by humans in the environment. As part of keeping our environment clean or avoiding waste that ends up in our oceans, a clean-up campaign was done with learners around the school. Hopefully a Steenbok visit will soon be arranged.