The Reserve is open at all times and there is no entrance fee. We are conveniently located and accessed by road 4 klm from Knysna Town centre.
Welcome to Steenbok Nature Reserve
The Reserve covers a precious area of 17 hectares and forms part of the greater Knysna Protected Environment Area regulated by SANParks in terms of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 2003. Steenbok Nature Reserve is a joint initiative by Leisure Isle Residents Association and Knysna Municipality. We operate in close association with SANParks and with the support of The Friends of Steenbok Nature Reserve.
Whilst the Reserve contains most beautiful areas of original salt marsh, coastal dune and coastal thicket vegetation and probably one of the finest areas of the former, it also contains an indigenous garden featuring flora representative of the Garden Route and the coastal regions of the Eastern Cape, tree copses featuring Knysna forest trees, and small "cultivated" gardens.
It is also a paradise for dog walkers and fisher people, is a cricket and soccer pitch for children and a large alien tree (Myoporum tenuifolium) has been retained as a jungle gym for the younger kiddies.