ENGLISH:- white bristle bush
AFRIKAANS:- blombos, witsteekbossie
SA TREE No. 736
DESCRIPTION – Erect, woody shrub up to 2.5m, the leaves are often curved backwards, twisted and hooked at the tips. The margins are rolled under.
The honey scented flower heads are without rays, several in terminal clusters, the bracts are brown in colour.
Bark of the branchlets are white-felted to pale grey.
USES – Excellent plant for dune stabilization, it is also browsed by stock in times of food shortage, and the dried leaves are reputed to make a good tea.
HISTORICAL – The name Metalasia is derived from the Greek Meta which here is interpreted as backwards/reverse and lasios, woolly, referring to the woolly undersides of the leaves; muricata is derived from murex, meaning roughened and with hard points like the shell of a mollusc.