Aloes, beautiful aloes….

These three majestic Aloes will be entertaining our visitors for the next month or two.
Bright colours and impressive heights make these giants our show stoppers during autumn and early winter.

While A. ferox and A. arborescens display bright orange and yellow flowers, our magnificent, 3m tall A. thraskii will be standing its ground along Links Drive and in the Indigenous gardens.


A. ferox (picture left) is probably the best known in South africa because of its long history of medicinal use.
Watch out for its ferocious, spiny leaves though.
Easy to recognise with its large candelabra-like flower-heads.

A. arborescent’s leaves extracts (picture right) is widely used for healing wounds and calming burns.
This Aloe tends to grow into a dense, rounded shrub. Colours can vary from deep orange (almost red) to yellow.


A. thraskii (picture right) is tall & fast growing. It has long, pale, grey-green, deeply grooved and recurved leaves. It is believed to be a threatened species due to coastal developments. The flowers grow in short, compact, cylindrical racemes, on multi-branched inflorescences