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Clivia nobilis

This evergreen fleshy bulb-like rhizome forms a tight clump as new suckers are produced and the plant becomes larger.
It does well in light shade but grows much taller and more upright in dense shade. The height can therefore vary between 30cm to 60cm. The dark green strappy leaves are slightly more leathery than other clivia species.
C. nobilis produces an inflorescence containing 40 to 60 pendulous flowers varying in colour from very pale to dark orange or orange-red with pale to dark green tips. Flowers give way to clusters of bright red berries the size of a cherries and take a year to ripen. The seed is round and about 6 mm in diameter.
This is the slowest growing Clivia in that species and can take up to 6 years or more to flower.

Family Name:
Common Name:
Eastern Cape clivia (Eng.); boslelie (Afr.)
Plant Height:
30cm to 60cm
Flower Colour:
Yellow Orange Green
Flowering Time:
September, October, November, March, April, May