Crematogaster peringueyi (Black cocktail ant)
The Cocktail ants occur on every continent except Antarctica, and on most islands with temperate climates.
They are always immediately recognizable for their ability to ‘cock their tails’, ie raise their gasters almost over their heads when alarmed. The gaster contains the ant’s heart, digestive system, and chemical weaponry. Crematogaster do not actually sting their prey or enemies, but instead exude volatile defensive (and offensive!) chemicals at enemies and any perceived threats. Their bite can be painful, but their mandibles are too small and weak to draw blood.
Crematogaster peringueyi build elaborate ‘carton’ nests in bushes and trees, constructed of chewed vegetable matter and resembling brown papier maché, and they use the same material to build sun and rain shelters over their aphid farms.
Ants are also very important to the environment. Ants accumulate organic matter in their nests. This organic matter then provides a good environment for the germination and development of seeds and seedlings. Ants are also very important to the fynbos of the Western Cape because they bury indigenous seeds. Many types of ants eat the nutritious sugary coating (known as an elaiosome) surrounding the seeds of fynbos plants. To do this they take the seeds still containing the elaiosome into the ant nest. Once the elaiosome has been eaten, the seed remains in the nest. The nest then provides protection to the seed from predators or other environmental damage, such as fire. Some fynbos rarities, long thought to be extinct, have reappeared more than fifty years later thanks to seeds which have survived underground in ant nests.
Crematogaster peringueyi (Black cocktail ant)
Family Name: FormicidaeCommon Name: Black cocktail ant (eng.) swartwipgatmier (afr.)
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