Starling, Red-winged
Roberts No: 769Glossy black except for wings which are bright rufous-chestnut, eyes dark red. Makes foraging flights from rocky outcrops. Forms flocks in winter. Forages in trees and on ground. Hops.
Family Name:
Onychognathus morio
Common Name:
Starling, Red-winged
27 to 30 cm
almost omnivorous – vertebrates, invertebrates, fruit, nectar, lizards, mollusks, sandhoppers, scorpions, beetles, butterflies, caterpillars, bees, wasps, termites, fruits of many indigenous trees, nectar of aloes.
Starling, Red-winged
Family Name: Onychognathus morioCommon Name: Starling, Red-winged
Roberts No: 769
27 to 30 cm Resident almost omnivorous – vertebrates, invertebrates, fruit, nectar, lizards, mollusks, sandhoppers, scorpions, beetles, butterflies, caterpillars, bees, wasps, termites, fruits of many indigenous trees, nectar of aloes.
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