Greenshank, Common
Roberts No: 270Arrives Sept – Oct, leaves March – April, with many 1st year birds remaining over our winter. Large sandpiper with a slightly upturned bill and long greenish legs. Greyish brown above and white below in non-breeding plumage. Call a fluty, far-carrying ‘tew-tew-tew’, mainly in flight. Feeds in summer in large flocks off northern shores of Leisure Isle. Wades steadily in shallow water.
Family Name:
Tringa nebularia
Common Name:
Greenshank, Common
30 to 35 cm
Non-breeding Visitor
Insects, crustaceans, mollusks, annelids, fish fry and small amphibians.
Greenshank, Common
Family Name: Tringa nebulariaCommon Name: Greenshank, Common
Roberts No: 270
30 to 35 cm Non-breeding Visitor Insects, crustaceans, mollusks, annelids, fish fry and small amphibians.
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